Executive Pastor Yolanda white

Executive Pastor Yolanda White is a native of Charleston, SC and a leader in the community. She serves in ministry, healthcare and social services industry. She is totally committed to helping others fulfill their God given purpose. Pastor Yolanda encourages the development and cultivation of a relationship with God, and the pursuit of the destined plan for ones’ life. She is blessed with a loving husband, Elder Adrian White Sr. and four amazing children; Marcus, Sterling, Audrianna and a bonus son, Adrian Jr. Pastor Yolanda accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at an early age. By age 21, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and answered the call of God to ministry. She was licensed to preach by age 27 and faithfully served in many capacities in the ministries where she was planted.
By God’s providence, Pastor White became a faithful member at The Revelation of Christ Church in North Charleston, SC under the pastorate of Bishop Lance T. Johnson Sr. in 2007. She became re-licensed and ordained as a minister and recently elevated by the laying on of the hands of the Bishop and Presbyter to Executive Pastor of The Revelation of Christ Churches in April 2024. Over the past 18 years she has served as an Executive Leader, Lead Proctor over the Ministerial Training Program, Trini-P-Youth Ministry Leader, Singles Ministry Leader and Chief Intercessor of the Prayer Team. The Lord has graced Pastor Yolanda with the opportunity to boldly and prophetically proclaim the Word of God across South Carolina, Georgia and Florida in church services, conferences and ministry events. Pastor Yolanda humbly serves in many capacities both spiritually and secularly. She matriculated at Limestone College obtaining a bachelor degree in Social Work and later pursued an MBA from Limestone University. She is currently pursuing a Master of Biblical Studies in Pastoral Leadership at the Christian Theological Seminary in North Charleston, an extension of the International School of Ministries (ISOM) with an expected graduation date of May 2025.
Pastor Yolanda has also served in the field of Social Work for over 25 years and became a licensed Social Worker in 2008. She graduated in 2015 from the South Carolina Leadership Academy of Leading Age South Carolina and became a licensed Long Term Care Administrator in 2016. She has served as a Nursing Home Administrator in skilled nursing facilities and Executive Director for retirement communities for 8 years. The professional licensures and degrees afforded her the opportunity to help many others obtain Social Work degrees, licensures and other health care certifications as she provided oversight and mentorship in her buildings. She currently directs Senior Outreach and Case Management for Jewish Family Services where she hosts and facilitates conferences and educational seminars,
Pastor Yolanda White is fully committed to the God of her salvation. She truly believes that the excellency of the power is of God and not of us. She hold fast to the scriptures in Galatians 2:20 “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ lives in me: and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
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