Fellowship of Integral Pastors (F.I.P.)
F.I.P represent Pastors who are dedicated to working in integrity in their Pastorate, family, marriage and in life. F.I.P. is for pastors who desire to build relationships with other pastors who desire fellowship and integrity. F.I.P. are for those leaders who have a deep devotion to our God and Lord Jesus Christ. F.I.P. are for Pastors who believe that Jesus is God and that He died and was resurrected by the Father and ushers salvation into the world.
Documentation Implementation
(i.e. Bylaws, Staff and Leadership Responsibilities)
Counseling (Private)
Advance (i.e.Retreats)
Fellowship Meetings
Missions Work
Training: Organizational, Leadership, and Finance
For more detailed information about F.I.P. email Pastor J at pastorltj@therevelationofchristchurch.org