BISHOP Lance T. Johnson, Sr

On September 17, 2000 the church was birthed.
In 2002 the church purchased 2 of the 5 acres it sits on which includes the church building and a 1700 square foot building, which is now the Children’s Development Center. In 2003, he and First Lady J were blessed with a beautiful daughter named Christian and then blessed again with the birth of their promised son “LJ” in 2006. In between, he also became the entrepreneur of a non-profit organization called “The Partners for a Better Community” (The P.B.C.) on October 31, 2004 which brings together businesses, organizations, and the church to do what they do best, by offering services for the betterment of the community. Furthermore, he has always been a proponent for education. He has plans to pursue a Master of Divinity degree while continuing to be very dedicated to his ministry, the church, his family and most of all the Word of God, for he is very determined to reach this community, city, state, and ultimately the world by “Unveiling Christ to the World” through evangelism, education, and empowerment.
In 2007, the church went to two spirit-filled services that are rapidly growing and experiencing the transforming power of God through praise, worship, and His Word in every service. In 2009, The P.B.C. was officially established as a 501(C)3 company and continues to do community outreaches like the Thanksgiving Outreach & Christmas Blessings where we, with the help of our Partners, donate food and clothing to families in need during the holidays as well as our FREE Health Screenings Day which provides free healthcare to hundreds of people every year and founded the ABF Camp (Academic Bible and Fun Camp) to empower youth during the summer. In 2010, He was also commissioned by Bishop Eddie L. Long as an Ambassador to the Father’s House Ministry. Furthermore, in 2012, God placed in his heart to start the EWJ Scholarship Fund, and in 2012, the PBC sponsored the first Scholarship Gala where students received financial awards for their college education, handing out over $40,000 to date, and now hosting the annual PBC Golf Tournament to continue to raise funds for all five PBC core programs.
Moreover, In the fall of 2015 we experienced “Explosive Expansion” by adjoining our two buildings and created more office space, a Grand Foyer, conference room and additional restrooms! We dedicated the grounds and entire building, The New R.O.C.C Worship Center back to God on Sunday, January 24, 2016 with an incredible celebration that brought distinguished guests from near and far to worship and celebrate with us. Now, after 24 years of service, Bishop J has led us through ever-changing times, still implementing creative concepts like Tuesday Momentum, Drive-Up Church, Let’s Talk Facebook Live Series, FREE Health Screenings Day with free COVID TESTING, Blood Drives, Home-Buying Seminars, & offering free sessions with licensed psychologists & therapists to embrace mental health during these perilous times, being there for families in life and in death.
We know and believe that eyes haven’t seen, ears haven’t heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men what God has in store for Bishop J as he was newly consecrated as a Bishop on March 16, 2024! He has now gone forth and opened a second church, called R.O.C.C. Atlanta in April of 2024 and will continue to teach & preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to nations! All in all, with 25 years of marriage to First Lady J, two thriving young adult children in college, and both R.O.C.C. Churches growing and thriving by reaching souls for Christ and transforming lives, Pastor Johnson still believes that there is more that God has in store for us. For “as a little shepherd boy” he still thirsts for God to use him even more and we celebrate him as God takes him higher & leads us over through his Leadership. God continues to use Bishop Johnson to bridge the gap in our community by his tireless work with Pastors, Bishops, government officials, and community leaders, near and far, to help transform this world and bring people to Christ!